Do you have photos on your Quest that you would like to see on a big screen? VR Photo Slideshow is a photo viewer that provides you with up to 5 screens to view your local photos.
You can define the number of screens visible, the position and size of each screen, if you prefer to view the next image sequentially in the directory or randomly.
Viewing the next photo can be done automatically after a certain time or manually using the left controller joystick.
VR Photo Slideshow will by default look at images (e.g. jpg files) in the /Pictures directory, if your photos are in another directory, use the dropdown component at the right of the directory field to select another directory.
How to use:
* Left joystick click to show hide the control panel
* Left joystick right/left to the next/previous photo
* X (left joystick) toggle pause slideshow
* Y (left joystick) toggle random next photo
* A (right joystick) add a new screen (up to 5)
* B (right joystick) remove a screen
1) If you have many screens open or if you have the slideshow speed below 1 second, I would recommend not to use too large image files. Full HD jpeg photos (1920 x 1080) are often good enough to watch photos.
2) If you don't see the photos, make sure there is no '.nomedia' file in the selected directory using the Files app
3) In the Files app, click on the cloud icon to unsync medias otherwise your photos will be by default synchronized with the meta cloud