June 17, 2021
This is a near-perfect VR recreation of an all-time favourite classic game called The Sentinel. That game relied somewhat on the computers at the time not being able to render 3D maps very quickly, so you had to slowly rotate your view while the map was drawn in, and it created some delicious tension as you felt the Sentinel's gaze fall over you like the Eye of Sauron, leeching your precious energy as you panicked and tried to find an escape route. Obviously there's no ponderous player movement here, but it still works. The ominous gaze of the Sentinel is still as scary as heck, and the creation and absorption mechanics are handled smoothly with intuitive controls. With thousands of maps (based on random seeds) there's plenty of game here, getting harder as you go with multiple sentinels to try and avoid and ultimately absorb. As a bonus, proceeds from the game go towards planting some trees (the original game had you absorbing trees, but they've gone with a more apocalyptic scenario here).