Premium Bowling is as close to real bowling as you'll get without picking up a physical bowling ball. Start the game and play like you're in a real bowling alley. Experience the realism in every throw, every hit, and every strike!

**Multiplayer Fun:** Pass the headset locally or bowl online with players worldwide. Speak and compete as if you were side-by-side in the alley!

**Competitive Play:** Take on live tournaments, weekly leagues and challenging ranking oil patterns that change each week. Aim for the top spot in global player rankings!

**Video Player:** stream music and videos to lane display or big screen inside the bowling alley
**Teams:** Start a team with your friends to get a private meeting space and compete with other teams
**Custom Balls:** Create your own ball within the game!
️ **Advanced Oil Simulation:** Oil patterns wear out during game
NOTE: limited Meta Quest 1 support after July 2024. More info at: www.premiumbowling.com/quest1